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Surprising Medicinal uses of Honey

Surprising Medical benefits of Honey


 Surprising Medical Benefits of Honey

She had(Urdu), Madhu, Madh, Mel, Honey
Biological Source
Apis dorsata, Apis Florea, Apis indica, Apis mellifica
Geographical Source
Africa, India, Jamaica, Australia, California, Chile, Great Britain, and New Zealand
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Genus: Apis
Specie : dorsata, florea, indica, mellifica

Appearances: straw to sepia viscid fluid
Odor: Pleasant and characteristic
Taste:: Sweet, Slightly acrid
Specific gravity: 1.35-1.36
Specific rotation: +3o to –15
Chemical constituents
Moisture 14-24%, Dextrose 23-36%, Levulose (Fructose) 30-47%, Sucrose 0.4-6%, Dextrin and Gums 0-7% and Ash 0.1-0.8%.
Besides, it's found to contain small amounts of volatile oil, beeswax, pollen grains, acid, ethanoic acid, carboxylic acid, maltose, dextrin, coloring pigments, vitamins, and an admixture of enzymes eg; diastase, invertase, and inulase
The female bees collect nectar from the flowers. The nectar usually consists of sucrose solution which is 25% sucrose and 75% water. Invertase enzyme is present within the saliva of the bee which converts the sucrose solution into carbohydrate. This carbohydrate is partially employed by the bee and therefore the other is stores within the honeycomb. The water then evaporates from the carbohydrate leading to the formation of honey which is 80% carbohydrate and 20% water.

Honey contains some nutrients like glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, etc.
It contains no fat or fiber or proteins.
It is rich in antioxidants, which will help in reducing cardiovascular problems.
It is less bad in patients with diabetes.
It also helps to scale back cholesterol.
Honey promotes wound and burns healing.
It has antiseptic properties.
Applying honey naturally lightens the tender under-eye skin to effectively remove dark circles.

Honey for dark circles under eyes
 9. As a sweetening agent in confectioneries.
 10. As a demulcent, it's recommended for coughs, colds, sore throats, and constipation.
 11. due to its natural content of easily assimilable simple sugars, it's globally employed as an honest source of nutrients for infants, elderly persons, and convalescing patients.
 12. it's employed for shiny and smooth the hair.

Honey as a hair conditioner


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